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Cylindo Studios are a great way to showcase your products in a 3D environment.

Live Editor
<cylindo-viewer customer-id="5098" code="SECTIONAL PDP">
  <cylindo-studio code="ALMSTAR STUDIO A" customer-id="5098"></cylindo-studio>
  <cylindo-studio code="ALMSTAR STUDIO B" customer-id="5098"></cylindo-studio>


feature-codestringnullThe feature code of the material to show.
customer-idstringnullThe customer id of the material to show.
locked-features (optional)stringundefinedThe list of feature codes to lock, comma separated.
external (optional)booleanundefinedPass true, if the studio's main product is different from the viewer's product.

Notes on locked-features

The locked-features attribute is an array of feature codes that will be locked in the studio. Some studios are not rendered in all possible configurations, so you can use this prop to lock the features that are not available. Otherwise, you may receive an error from the API.

This is automatically handled for you if you use the Cylindo Curator to set up your viewer.

External studio

The external attribute is intended for when the main product of the viewer (designated by the viewer's product code) is different from the product the studio is based on.

This attribute will strip the features passed to the viewer from the studio when they do not match. In case the features are not compatible it will result in a broken Image.

<cylindo-viewer customer-id="5098" code="SECTIONAL PDP">
<!-- This is the SECTIONAL PDP's studio with features active -->
<cylindo-studio code="ALMSTAR STUDIO A" customer-id="5098"></cylindo-studio>
<!-- This is the SECTIONAL PDP's studio with features stripped, because we passed the external attribute -->
<!-- This is a studio based on a different product. We pass the external attribute and the features are stripped -->
<cylindo-studio code="CLOSE-UP" customer-id="5098" external></cylindo-studio>
<!-- This is a studio based on a different product. We do not pass the external attribute and the features are not stripped. This results in an error, as the features passed to the viewer are not compatible. -->
<cylindo-thumbnail-bar> </cylindo-thumbnail-bar>
Matching features

In case the external studio's features and the viewer's product features match, you should still pass the external attribute.
The viewer will render the studio's main product with the requested features.